As my babies grow i come to love them all, spending so much time with them, making them the wonderful kittens they are when they leave to live with their new owners. In the first thirteen weeks of their lives i learn all their different personalities and what they like and dont like, they all have a special place in my heart, so much so, that i love to keep in touch with their new owners checking to make sure they are settling well. Below are just a few comments from my kittens owners.
we got him home safely and he was happily settled in Toran’s room. He is using his cat litter happily and eating his food. He didn’t stop purring all Sunday evening and then finally fell into a deep sleep ..... moving in with Toran during the night to share his warmth. Toran’s brother and dad think he is gorgeous too. He is currently exploring the house, but knows that Toran’s room is his safe zone. Our old cat is still being rude to him, but it is all noise. I’m sure she will get used to having him around soon. He is named Theo, or Theodor. Mainly Theo. Helen.

Hi both,
kittens have settled in great and are enjoying their minced up chicken. They've been investigating their new house and are doing very well.
Thanks again - ill send some pictures of them soon. David.
Hi Chris

Hi Chris & Mark,
We liquidised the chicken this morning and he had about a tablespoon of that which he has eaten up, he's not had a lot of the dried food, hardly any in fact. He doesn't seem to drink any water just pats his paw in it. He seems happy enough though and has been playing non-stop. He uses the litter box perfectly, no accidents yet!
We have decided to call him Leo. He's fast asleep on Jonathan at the moment.
Will keep in touch and let you know his progress.
Thanks again,
Lesley & Jonathan
Hi Chris
He's getting on much better with the girls, we feel like we have had him for ever and he is definitely one of the family

Hi Chris,
They are settling in very well. They've even been in the garden - under supervision of course ! She's as mad as a hatter and he's definitely more laid back. We'll send some pictures in the next couple of days. They are growing so fast.

Since the first step in the house she has made herself at home. She is purring and settled asleep despite lots of visitors. She has had a few biscuits and I have just made sure she is ok for the night so I can give Jaspa some time and attention
Will update you over the weekend
Penny Fox

Hi Chris,
we all gd and bambi getting bigger i will sort out some pics for you no worries. she runs about and when the kids have a drink with a straw she gets it out plays with it she has 3 and gets more when she can . bambie loves looking out of the window and seeing whats going on . and dont leave news paper around she rips it up .she still loves her water playing and gets on with our dog . i will sort you out some pics . hope you all are well take care tina and family xx :)
Hi Chris,
She is absolutely marvellous: incredibly affectionate and playful. But
you know all about that! Also I see a Chinese doctor regularly, and
she told me last weekend that I am the best I have been for ages. The
only thing that has really changed since I last saw her is having Aeja.
So it's true: cats around the house are good for your health! Chris
Hi Chris
Claire xsolute deli